Record Store Day – April 18th 2015
Hi everyone,
My name is Eric Levin, and I am the owner of Criminal Records and co-founder of Record Store Day. First off, I wanted to thank Hifi Buys for letting me jump on one of their blogs to talk about Record Store Day. But I just need to say, this is exactly what Record Store Day is all about! We created this day back in 2007 to celebrate local businesses like Hifi Buys, Criminal Records and the other 1200 participating stores on Saturday. Not only to celebrate our stores, but to also recognize our neighborhoods and the amazing people that make up our community. Record Store Day has allowed people to step outside, meet each other and bond over music, comics and more.
And with that being said, I am thrilled the team at Hifi Buys is resurrecting that name to its almighty glory in Atlanta again. Atlanta needs a store like this! And Buckhead, the location of the new store, is so lucky to have such a great group of people moving into their neighborhood!
As for Saturday, let me explain to you what goes down. Lines start to form around midnight on Friday. After all we are going to release 400 special edition compilations of different music, comics, dvds and memorabilia! But you have to come early! You can check out what is coming out here. There will be live bands playing at the different stores, and lots of good, old fashioned fun. We encourage everyone from the neighborhood to come out and celebrate with us. We honestly have something for everyone. Hopefully, I am hoping to snag the Various Artists compilation “Rude Boy Rumble,” a reggae compilation on Trojan Records curated by record store owner Tom “Papa” Ray from Vintage Vinyl, St. Louis. It’s a killer set of rare 45’s, I also want the soundtrack to the motion picture Frank.
So, on Sunday when I get home, I listen to all of new music on a Pro-Ject Deubt III with a Sound Smith cartridge, a Yamaha Natural Surround SACD/DVD-A/CD player, an iMerge S3000 for my digital files, and I still use my father’s old Carver pre-amp. So bring yourself, a friend, (or two) and check out your local record store on Saturday, April 18th.