One of the key elements in producing a superb audio system is to have a very low noise floor. Everything that happens to reproduce a musical performance is counting on this fact. Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) passion for enjoying the full magic of a musical performance has driven us to develop a wide range of products that will allow your system to reach its full potential.

Get To Know HRS

In the late 1990s our founder, with extensive knowledge of music, audio systems, and vibration / noise reduction products for many high-tech industries, recognized that the existing audio stand product being manufactured at that time had a vital impact on system sound quality but was lagging the other key system components in technical sophistication, innovation, features, and build quality. HRS was founded in 1999 to completely redefine what a high-performance audio stand is and how important it is to experiencing the full emotional impact of an artist’s musical performance.

Why We Love HRS

"HRS is all about lowering the noise floor at every location in a high performance audio system. When the noise floor is lowered, the true resolving power of an audio system is revealed. Imagine hearing your system perform at its full potential for the first time. I have, and it is truly astonishing how much better the systems are. HRS products are comprehensive in their suppression of vibrational noise and its negative effect on timing, decay and spatial structure in the audio signal. The highly skilled engineers, craftsmen and technicians at HRS are all music lovers that are obsessed with quality and preserving your investment in their equipment. To that end, every HRS isolation base and audio stand can be upgraded, changed, expanded and reconfigured...even ones they made in the late 1990s. Reference resolution is what HRS is all about."

HRS Lives At HiFI Buys
