Dan Dagostino “Momentum HD Preamplifier”
March 20, 2021
The Dan Dagostino
“Momentum HD Preamplifier”
The latest addition to our showroom is somewhat of a “Musical Revelation”. The Momentum HD Preamplifier sets a new standard in our store. You literally hear the volume knob “click” as you turn it. Sonically this was made to be at the top of the world. These have come a long way since the days of Krell Audio. Low noise w/ an AMAZING sound stage.
“When I designed this preamp, I really wanted it to be over-the-top. I had to do something completely different.”
Come down and experience the Wilson Alexia II’s and Momentum M400 Monoblock Amplifier also by Dan Dagostino in our showroom.
Also Hear what Alan had to say about this new Addition to our Showroom..